Solomon Islands Immigration will host the Pacific Immigration Development Community Regular Annual Meeting, PIDC RAM, in Honiara in 2024. The bid to host the meeting was supported by the PIDC member states during a recent Regular Annual Meeting hosted by Vanuatu Immigration at Ramada Hotel, Republic of
Vanuatu. The Regular Annual Meeting is an annual event to discuss regional member states’ work plans, financial reports, and regional security including the migration developments in the Pacific region. Solomon Islands Immigration Deputy Director of Immigration, Mr Chris Akosawa, who attended the meeting, acknowledged the member states for their support to host the PIDC RAM in Honiara in 2024.
The outgoing PIDC Board Chair, PNG ICA, Director Mr Stanis Hulahau welcomed the new Incoming PIDC Chair, Director of Vanuatu Immigration Mr Jeffery Markson during the meeting. During the meeting, the PIDC member states acknowledged labor migration as initiatives developed under Pacer Plus in the region.
PIDC member states also developed regional migration policies to support the members’ socio-economic developments. PIDC members welcomed to strengthen the regional framework for information sharing for the purpose of regional border security. Member states of the PIDC confirmed that many of the member states ’law reform, and regulating information sharing in their legislations. During the financial year, PIDC supported review of Tonga, Niue and Solomon Islands Immigration laws and coordinated border management system for Vanuatu Immigration, and Palau Immigrations. PIDC Secretariat is committed to working with regional member states, governments, and developments to develop polices, law reforms and building the capacity of the member states meeting the challenges of the 21st Century. PIDC member states are American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesian, Kiribati, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
Source: GCU