New development initiative provides crucial training on lawmaking, oversight and community representation for parliamentarians
The 12th Parliament of the Solomon Islands has embarked on a transformative journey with its inaugural Induction, Orientation, and Ongoing Professional Development Program for Members of Parliament (MPs) at the Heritage Park Hotel. Launched by Speaker of the National Parliament, Patteson Oti, on June 17, 2024, this initiative follows an induction ceremony at the South Seas Evangelical Church and sets a precedent in parliamentary capacity-building.
The program, facilitated by international experts from the New South Wales Parliament, Papua New Guinea Parliament, New Zealand Parliament, Fiji Parliament, and the UK Parliament, aims to equip MPs with essential skills and knowledge necessary for effective governance and legislative excellence. Supported by UNDP Solomon Islands, Parliament of NSW, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, and other stakeholders, the induction program highlights the crucial roles of MPs in lawmaking, oversight, and community representation.
Sessions have covered a wide range of topics crucial to parliamentary function. Day one focused on the Fundamentals of Democracy, exploring concepts such as the separation of powers and responsible government. Speakers, including Mr. John Taupongi and Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua, provided insights into the workings of Westminster Democracies and their relevance to Solomon Islands’ MPs and managing expectations.
The program also included a panel discussion on the pros and cons of executive dominance moderated by Hon. Stephen Lawrence, Member of the Legislative Council of NSW Parliament. Panelists deliberated on the challenges and opportunities within the parliamentary and executive relations in Solomon Islands, offering valuable political insights.
Sessions will also look into key themes such as effective parliamentary oversight, legislative scrutiny and public engagement. Planned discussions will explore the law-making process from policy development to regulations, with a specific focus on youth issues in the Solomon Islands. Interactive workshops and masterclasses on topics ranging from gender equality in politics to media engagement are also in the program.
“This induction program is essential in equipping MPs with the necessary tools to navigate their roles effectively,” said Thomas Gregory, Manager of UNDP’s Pacific Parliament Portfolio. “It fosters a deeper understanding of parliamentary procedures and strengthens democratic governance.”
The program will conclude with an orientation event at the National Parliament Building on June 21, providing first-time MPs with a guided introduction to parliamentary procedures and support services.
This historic initiative promises to empower Solomon Islands’ parliamentarians to enact meaningful legislative reforms and address pressing national issues with transparency and accountability.
It is noted that a good number of Opposition Members in Parliament and Independent Members in Parliament attended the program, in contrast to MPs from the Government side.