Solomon Water has signed an agreement with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to provide follow-up support to improve the bore fields production in Honiara. This support comes after JICA’s significant funding of four bore fields and reservoirs/pump stations, and Non-Revenue Water (NRW) reduction support to Solomon Water from 2013 to 2015. JICA expert consultants have reviewed the performance of the 16 boreholes drilled in 2014 and are making changes and upgrades to some of the pumps, controls and one generator. The work, valued at about SBD $1.2m, is scheduled to be complete by the end of October this year.
“We are thrilled that JICA is again supporting us in these works which will help us to better manage production of water and place us in a better position to supply the people of Honiara and the Pacific Games with water, particularly during bad weather” said CEO Ian Gooden. JICA Solomon Islands Resident Representative, Takeshi Watanabe, said that “JICA is pleased to be able to continue our longstanding relationship with Solomon Water and help the people of Honiara with quality water, thus contributes to the improvement of people’s lives”. Additionally, JICA has provided further NRW training to some of Solomon Water’s team as follow up to the previous major NRW project. The training aimed to reduce water theft and illegal connections and leakage on pipes. Solomon Water’s aging pipe network is in major need of replacements and is being planned as part of other works by the SOE.
Source: Solomon Water