The Games Organizing Committee (GOC) im March 2023 has signed up 10 ambassadors as part of their campaign for the 2023 Pacific Games. The 10 ambassadors are former national athletes and of strong standing in their communities. In a ceremony, Games Organizing Committee Chairman, Martin Rara says the ambassadors are to advocate in their communities for the 2023 games. He said as ambassadors, they are icons of the games and will assist the GOC in advocating and making awareness on the 2023 Pacific Games in their respective communities. Rara congratulated the ambassadors for taking on this role especially as former athletes who have experience being former national stars. The 10 ambassadors have represented the country in the past in athletics, football, boxing, weightlifting and paralympic. The 10 Ambassadors are:
- Chris Votu, Former long distance runner, Komuvaolu Village, Guadalcanal
- Bartram Suri, Former National Football Player, Fourau Village Malaita
- Helen Tasounga, Paralympic athlete – Renbel Province
- Jenley Wini, National Weight Lifter, Malaita Province
- Jim Marau, Former Sprinter (First Gold Medalist, SPG 1975) Santa Ana, Makira
- Joseph Saimei, Former Boxer – Shortland Islands
- Junior Benjamin, National Tennis Player, Western province
- Primo Higa, Former middle distance runner, Makira provincee
- Timothy Inifiri, Former National Football player, North East Malaita
- Jay Makana, Former Boxer, Choiseul province
Since signing up as Ambassadors, former boxer Joseph Saimei has since returned from his area in the Shortland Islands in the Western province. Saimei visited nine communities, school and villages in the Shortland Islands. Saimei, a two time Pacific Games Champion in the super heavy weight division, in his tour advocated for sports and its benefits and also raise awareness on the Pacific Games scheduled to be held in Honiara from the 19th November to 2nd December. Shortland Islands is more than 500km away from the capital city Honiara and the people will need to travel by boat or plane to reach Honiara. Saimei in the Shortland Islands visited Nuhu, Maleai, Tuha, Nila, Samanago, Toumoa, Koliai and Gaomai. Mr Saimei said that he is grateful for the opportunity, the recognition and the trust placed upon him to be a Games Ambassador to his people of Shortland Islands. Shortland Islands is known for producing some of the country’s best boxers.

Meanwhile the first Games Ambassadors tour last month also saw Solomon Islands sprint king, Jim Marau visit communities in Central, North and North East Guadalcanal. Other Ambassadors still to go out on tour include; Chris Votu, Primo Higa, Batram Suri, Timothy Inifiri, Hellen Saohanga, Jenly Wini, Junior Benjamin and Jay Makana.
With GOC